{if $headerdata.storeid} {else} {/if} Platypus Ticket Survey
{include file="defaultlayer/survey/error.html"} {if $surveydata}


  • Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)
  • {$surveydata.ticketid|escape:'html'}
  • {$surveydata.ticketdate|date_format:'%x'|escape:'html'}
  • {$surveydata.staffname|escape:'html'}
  • {$surveydata.customername|escape:'html'}
  • {$surveydata.ticketproblem|escape:'html'}
  • {$surveydata.ticketsolution|escape:'html'}
{ if $surveydata.questions.questions_item[0]|@count} { foreach from=$surveydata.questions.questions_item item=question} { if $question.questiontype|lower == 'label'}


{ elseif $question.questiontype|lower == 'comment'} { assign var=foundComment value=true}


{ if $question.questionmandatory|upper == 'Y'} * { /if}
{ elseif $question.questiontype|lower == 'dropdown'} { assign var=foundDropdown value=true}


{ if $question.questionmandatory|upper == 'Y'} * { /if}
{ elseif $question.questiontype|lower == 'checkbox'} { assign var=foundCheckbox value=true}


{ if $question.questionmandatory|upper == 'Y'} * { /if} { if $question.responses.responses_item[0]|@count} { foreach from=$question.responses.responses_item item=response} {$response.text|escape:'html'}
{ /foreach} { else} { foreach from=$question.responses item=response} {$response.text|escape:'html'}
{ /foreach} { /if} { elseif $question.questiontype|lower == 'radio'} { assign var=foundRadio value=true}


{ if $question.questionmandatory|upper == 'Y'} * { /if} { foreach from=$question.responses.responses_item item=response} { if $responses[$question.questionid] == $response.value} { else} { /if} {$response.text|escape:'html'}
{ /foreach} { /if} { /foreach} { else} { foreach from=$surveydata.questions item=question} { if $question.questiontype|lower == 'label'}


{ elseif $question.questiontype|lower == 'comment'} { assign var=foundComment value=true}


{ if $question.questionmandatory|upper == 'Y'} * { /if}

{ elseif $question.questiontype|lower == 'dropdown'} { assign var=foundDropdown value=true}


{ if $question.questionmandatory|upper == 'Y'} * { /if}
{ elseif $question.questiontype|lower == 'checkbox'} { assign var=foundCheckbox value=true}


{ if $question.questionmandatory|upper == 'Y'} * { /if} { if $question.responses.responses_item[0]|@count} { foreach from=$question.responses.responses_item item=response} {$response.text|escape:'html'}
{ /foreach} { else} { foreach from=$question.responses item=response} {$response.text|escape:'html'}
{ /foreach} { /if} { elseif $question.questiontype|lower == 'radio'} { assign var=foundRadio value=true}


{ if $question.questionmandatory|upper == 'Y'} * { /if} { foreach from=$question.responses.responses_item item=response} { if $responses[$question.questionid] == $response.value} { else} { /if} {$response.text|escape:'html'}
{ /foreach} { /if} { /foreach} { /if} { if $foundComment or $foundDropdown or $foundCheckbox or $foundRadio} { if $surveydata.ticketid and $surveydata.customerid}
{ else}
{ /if} { /if}