{include file="defaultlayer/platsignup/includes/htmldoctype_selector.html"} {include file="defaultlayer/platsignup/includes/htmlheader_selector.html"} {include file="defaultlayer/platsignup/includes/pageheader_selector.html"}
{include file="defaultlayer/platsignup/includes/sidebar_selector.html"}

Rate Plans for Template "{$regcode|escape:'html'}" { if $availableplans.rates} Assign New Rate Plan { /if} { if $availableplans.rates && $availableplans.block} · { /if} { if $availableplans.block} Assign New Block Plan { /if}

{ assign var=rowType value='odd'} { foreach from=$assignedplans.rates item=assigned_rate_plan_item} { if $rowType == 'odd'} { else} { /if} { if $rowType == 'odd'} { assign var=rowType value='even'} { else} { assign var=rowType value='odd'} { /if} { foreachelse} { /foreach}
Rate Plan ID Rate Plan Name  
{$assigned_rate_plan_item.rr_id|escape:'html'} {$assigned_rate_plan_item.rr_rate_description|escape:'html'} Delete
No Rates are Assigned to this Registration Code Template
{ assign var=rowType value='odd'} { foreach from=$assignedplans.block item=assigned_block_plan_item} { if $rowType == 'odd'} { else} { /if} { if $rowType == 'odd'} { assign var=rowType value='even'} { else} { assign var=rowType value='odd'} { /if} { foreachelse} { /foreach}
Block Time Plan ID Block Time Plan Name  
{$assigned_block_plan_item.rb_id|escape:'html'} {$assigned_block_plan_item.rb_rate_description|escape:'html'} Delete
No Block Time Rates are Assigned to this Registration Code Template
{if $availableplans.rates}
{/if} {if $availableplans.block}
{/if} {include file="defaultlayer/platsignup/includes/pagefooter_selector.html"}