{include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/htmldoctype_selector.html"} {include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/htmlheader_selector.html"} {include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/pageheader_selector.html"}
{include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/sidebar_selector.html"}

Add New {$servicedata.name} Service

{foreach name=parentlist from=$parenttree.tree item=thisParentService} { if !$smarty.foreach.parentlist.first} > { /if} { if $thisParentService.detail.s_data == ''} {$thisParentService.detail.s_num|escape:'html'} { else} {$thisParentService.detail.s_data|escape:'html'} { /if} {/foreach}

Please complete the following info. Fields denoted with an (*) are mandatory.

{assign var=serviceid value=$servicedata.id} {if $servicelist.$serviceid.allowNew}
Add New {$servicedata.name|escape:'html'} Service {/if} {if $servicedetail.active} {/if} {foreach from=$servicedata.control item=thisField} { assign var=fieldname value=$thisField.name} { if $returnfields.$fieldname} { assign var=fieldvalue value=$returnfields.$fieldname} { else} { assign var=fieldvalue value=$thisField.default} { /if} { if $thisField.webdisplay|lower == 'hidden'} { elseif $thisField.webdisplay == 'readonly'} { /if} {/foreach}
    {if $servicedetail.active}
  1. {$servicedetail.active|escape:'html'}
  2. {/if} {foreach from=$servicedata.control item=thisField} { assign var=fieldname value=$thisField.name} { if $returnfields.$fieldname} { assign var=fieldvalue value=$returnfields.$fieldname} { else} { assign var=fieldvalue value=$thisField.default} { /if} { if $thisField.webdisplay|lower != 'hidden'}
  3. { if $thisField.webdisplay == 'readonly' or !$servicelist.$serviceid.allowNew} { if $thisField.type == 'select'} { foreach from=$thisField.details item=thisSelectValue} { if $thisSelectValue.value == $fieldvalue} { /if} { /foreach} { else} { /if} { elseif $thisField.type == 'text'} { if $thisField.datefield} { else} { /if} { elseif $thisField.type == 'password'} { elseif $thisField.type == 'select'} { elseif $thisField.type == 'sqlselect'} { elseif $thisField.type == 'checkbox'} { if $fieldvalue==1} { else} { /if} { /if} { /if}
  4. {/foreach}
{if $servicelist.$serviceid.allowNew}
{include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/pagefooter_selector.html"}