{include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/htmldoctype_selector.html"} {include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/htmlheader_selector.html"} {include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/pageheader_selector.html"}
{include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/sidebar_selector.html"}

Report Wizard

Report Category {$report.category|escape:'html'}
Report Name {$report.name|escape:'html'}
Report Description {$report.descriptio|escape:'html'}
{ if $report.criteria.date OR $report.criteria.daterange}
Date/Date Range (Month/Day/Year)
    { if $report.criteria.date}
  1. / /
  2. { /if} { if $report.criteria.date and $report.criteria.daterange}
  4. { /if} { if $report.criteria.daterange}
  5. / /
  6. / /
  7. { /if}
{ /if} { if $report.criteria.id OR $report.criteria.idrange}
ID/ID Range
    { if $report.criteria.id}
  1. { /if} { if $report.criteria.id and $report.criteria.idrange}
  3. { /if} { if $report.criteria.idrange}
  4. { /if}
{ /if} { if $report.criteria.stores}
Virtual Companies to Include
    { foreach from=$stores.storesList item=thisStore} { assign var=storeid value=$thisStore.storeid}
  1. { if $reportinput.storeid.$storeid == 'on'} { else} { /if}
  2. { /foreach}
{ /if}
{include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/pagefooter_selector.html"}