{include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/htmldoctype_selector.html"} {include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/htmlheader_selector.html"} {include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/pageheader_selector.html"}
{include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/sidebar_selector.html"}
{eval var=1 assign="currentstep"} {include file="defaultlayer/modules/domain/includes/newsteps.html"} {if $invalid_list} The following domain(s) can not be transfered! { foreach from=$invalid_list item=message key=invalid_domain} {$invalid_domain|escape:'html'}: {$message|escape:'html'} { /foreach} {/if} {if $domain_list} { assign var=domainData value=$domain_list} {else} { assign var=domainData value=$registerdomain} {/if}
{foreach key=domain from=$domainData key=domainName item=data}

You have chosen to transfer {$domainName|escape:'html'}:

You must have access to the administrative contact email address listed for your domain transfer.

A confirmation email containing instructions for completing this transaction will be sent to the Administrative Contact email address.

If you do not have access to this email address, you must contact your current registrar and change it before initiating a transfer.

View Administrative Contact Email Address
{ if $whoisdata.domain == $domainName} { if $whoisdata.reason}

This domain can not be transfered for the following reason: {$whoisdata.reason|escape:'html'}

{ else}

This domain can be transfered.

{ if $whoisdata.request_address}

Admin Email : {$whoisdata.request_address|escape:'html'}

{ /if} { /if} { /if} {/foreach}
{include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/pagefooter_selector.html"}