{include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/htmldoctype_selector.html"} {include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/htmlheader_selector.html"} {include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/pageheader_selector.html"}
{include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/sidebar_selector.html"}
{eval var=3 assign="currentstep"} {include file="defaultlayer/modules/domain/includes/newsteps.html"}

Enter Contacts

To signup please enter all of your information below.
Fields denoted with an (*) are mandatory.

{foreach from=$registerdomain key=domainName item=domainData} { assign var=contactInfo value=$domainData.contact_set} { assign var=legal_type value=$contactInfo.owner.legal_type} { if !$dataDisplayed} { assign var=dataDisplayed value=1}
{ foreach key=type item=group from=$queryset[$domainData.tld] name=contactSets}

{$group.name|escape:'html'} Contact

    { foreach item=query from=$group.queryList}
  • { if $query.type == "text"} { elseif $query.type == "select"} { elseif $query.type == "textarea"} { elseif $query.type == "radio"} { /if}
  • { /foreach}
{ if $group.name == "Owner"}

Owner information is used to designate the legal owner of the domain as provided here.

For .info/.biz/.org/.mobi/ domains: +1.4165551122x1234

For all others: 416-555-1212x5555

{ /if} { if $group.name == "Admin"}

The administrative contact information is used as the primary contact for any activity and notifications regarding the domain being registered. The contact provided has the authority to manage all aspects of the account.

For .info/.biz/.org/.mobi/ domains: +1.4165551122x1234

For all others: 416-555-1212x5555

{ /if} { if $group.name == "Billing"}

This information is used for any billing related inquiries.

For .info/.biz/.org/.mobi/ domains: +1.4165551122x1234

For all others: 416-555-1212x5555

{ /if} { if $group.name == "Technical"}

The technical contact is designated to manage all technical aspects of the domain

For all others: 416-555-1212x5555

For .info/.biz/.org/.mobi/ domains: +1.4165551122x1234

{ /if}
{ /foreach}

{ /if} {/foreach}
{include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/pagefooter_selector.html"}