{include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/htmldoctype_selector.html"} {include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/htmlheader_selector.html"} {include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/pageheader_selector.html"}
{include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/sidebar_selector.html"}

Create Nameserver: {$templatestatus.domainname|escape:'html'}

Create Nameserver

This feature is to be used if you want to provide DNS service for other Domains. If you do not have DNS sofware running on this host/ip you probably do not want to use this feature.

  • .{$localnameservers.domain|escape:'html'}

Once you have created your name servers, if you wish to use them on your domain, you must manually add them through the main "Name Servers" section.

{include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/pagefooter_selector.html"}