{include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/htmldoctype_selector.html"} {include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/htmlheader_selector.html"} {include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/pageheader_selector.html"}
{include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/sidebar_selector.html"}

Edit Domain Extras: {$templatestatus.domainname|escape:'html'}

Edit Domain Extras

You can update the following information by changing the information directly below.
Fields denoted with an (*) are mandatory.

{if !$extras.details} No extra data was found for this domain. {else}
    { foreach from=$extras.details item=extra}
  • { if $domainmanager.domainSuffix != ".ca"} { else} { if $extra.name == "Organization Name"} {$extra.value} { elseif $extra.name == "Registrant Type"} { elseif $extra.name == "Legal Type"} { elseif $extra.name == "Description"} { else} Yes No { /if} { /if}
  • { /foreach}
{if $extras.details}
{include file="defaultlayer/piwi/includes/pagefooter_selector.html"}